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Power of Love

Power of Love
Bank of the Volga river
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A city project - "Power of Love" fontain starts in Togliatti, near the Monument of Tatischev.

"Power of Love" fountain in the shape of lotus is a source of pure love, the birth and strengthening of couples and spiritual truth, it represents an abundant flow of wealth, material well-being and financial success in all its forms.

Lotus is a symbol of wisdom, purity and divine perfection. This plant originates in the dirt and mud, hardly stretches to light through the water column, and finally dissolves on the surface of the incredible beauty of the flower. The lotus flower represents peace and purity.

Lotus petals, similar to the sun's rays, symbolize the divine source of life, and boxes of seeds are considered as a symbol of rebirth and fertility. It embodies the agreement, chastity and life, Yang and Yin interact here. Lotus symbolizes the universe and, especially, the Sun!

Lotus is able to clear the space of negative vibrations and neutralize any negative energy.

Lotus is a symbol of wisdom, purity and divine perfection
Lotus petals, similar to the sun's rays, symbolize the divine source of life

Golden carps are symbols of abundance and well-being, good luck and spiritual achievements, prosperity and creative growth, longevity, harmony and marital bliss.

by Anna Mozalevskaya, 3rd year student
Togliatti Academy of Management


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